Jordan Klein Film and Video has always maintained a large inventory of the latest cameras and lenses. That being said, We do not want to give people the wrong impression when it comes to our gear. We are not a rental house. If you require some gear we will send out one of our camera packages with a minimum of a tech or 2nd A/C. we primarily use all of our gear on our own productions. In other words…." We are not a rental house, just a production company that has a lot of gear"
Here is a partial list of our cameras and lenses:
-Red Epic Dragon (soon to be Weapon)
-Phantom Flex 4k (3 x 1TB digital mags and viewfinder & can be supplied with a tech)
-3 x Red Komodos
-Arri Amira
-Arri Alexa LF
-Arri Alexa Mini
-Sony FX3
-2 x Sony FX6
- Sony FX9
-Sony A7III
-Sony F65 (available with water housing)
-Black Magic Pocket Cinema Camera 4k and 6k (available with water housing)
-Arri 35mm III (available with water housing)
-Arri 35IIC (available with water housing)
-Arri 16mm
-Bolex 16mm
-Eyemo 35mm Crash Camera (with crash housing)
Lenses: (all cover 5K)
-Lomo 25-250 anamorphic zoom
-Aungenieux Optimo 25-250
-2 x sets or Ziess Superspeed MKIII
-Nikon prime lens set
-9.8 Tegea
-14mm Optar
-Ziess 21-100mm f2.8